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Contact Boston Solar

12 Gill St. Suite 5650 Woburn, MA 01801



Help others become energy independent and earn money by becoming a Solar Advocate!

Earn $25 when your referral has their free consultation | Earn $500 when your referral has their solar system installed

To get started download the App from Apple iTunes or Google Play store,  or you can also refer a friend through our online dashboard. Click here to get started. Simply create a login, enter your contact info, and agree to the terms. Then choose the sales rep that referred you. If you did not speak to a sales rep choose “If No Sales Rep Click Here”.

To add referrals click add referral or import contacts from your phone contacts, type in the referrals information and click submit and it will be sent right to us.  We’ll follow up with them.

Make sure that you have notifications enabled for the App, so that you’re alerted when you receive rewards or when you’ve earned a bonus! If you want to send us a referral by phone you can give us a call at 617-229-6930.